Do you ever wonder why I call my classes Yoga Detour™?

My teacher, Cecily Milne, created the Yoga Detour™ approach to merge what we love about asana practice—the flow, the postures, the breath—with strength and mobility tools that we can all benefit from. After training with Cecily for several years (including traveling to Toronto once a month for a year!), she gave me the green light to call my classes Yoga Detour™.

Each time I step on the mat to teach, I do my best to honor everything this practice represents: strong, integrated movement that helps you move well and understand your body’s infinite capacity for progress and transformation.

Teaching classes called Yoga Detour™ has opened up space for me to introduce elements of movement that aren’t typically shared in yoga classes.

Long-time students with certain expectations for what a “yoga” or “Vinyasa” class looks like are surprised by what they encounter in Yoga Detour™. Rather than follow a set sequence or rely solely on yoga postures to guide the practice, we experiment and explore.

In a Yoga Detour™ class, you can expect to:

1 - Focus on the breath in an accessible way that helps you decrease stress and leaves you feeling refreshed.

2 - Turn inward and focus on your body to increase body awareness.

3 - Explore mobility rather than flexibility, increasing your range of motion with care.

4 - Increase strength in a more integrated and holistic way, leading to less pain.

5 - Move intuitively within your body, discovering freedom and appreciation for play and experimentation.

You will experience FLOW from a new perspective, not necessarily moving from pose to pose but from small movements to larger movements. You’ll gain new skills and awareness that you can apply to familiar postures

What we do in Yoga Detour™ classes comes from a variety of sources and inspirations, ranging from movement therapists and strength coaches to dancers, weight lifters, and athletes.

We use the props that you may have seen in traditional yoga classes, as well as props that may be new to you, like dowels and rubber balls. Students have told me that it can feel like a dance with these props as they learn to use them in unexpected ways.

If you’re someone with years of yoga experience who’s looking for something that feels familiar but offers more variety, it’s time to try Yoga Detour™. The skills you learn will support your yoga practice as well as everything you choose to do off the mat.

I want you to move well!