
Classes are offered in-person and online. All in-person classes are offered in and around Buffalo, New York.

In these classes, you can expect a variety of movements that will leave you feeling energized, strong, and grounded. My classes are structured based on the Yoga Detour™ methodology of Isolate, Activate, Integrate, and we incorporate progressive loading to develop strength without overloading and causing injury.

Class is offered as a “flow”, linking movements to create a well-rounded, full-body practice. A variety of props are used, regularly using blocks, blankets, bolsters, and dowels and sometimes incorporating resistance bands, pilates balls, and even chairs. 

These classes are a kind of active meditation - we create the opportunity to turn inward by focusing on and trying to develop control over movement while working to maintain a natural breathing pattern. By directing our attention in this manner, we give the thinking mind a chance to rest.

what to expect from class

chair-based yoga detour™

This class will focus on building strength and stability, waking up the body thoughtfully and methodically, and using a chair as a primary prop. Other props, like dowels, blocks, blankets, and bolsters, will make the practice accessible.

Students should come prepared to work hard as they learn about how their bodies are designed to move.

This class is suitable for all levels—even the seasoned practitioner will pick up a few tips and tricks in it. It is appropriate for people who want to learn more about their bodies but may have limitations due to knee, hip, or back pain.

Chair-Based Yoga Detour ™ is offered:
Monday mornings at the North Presbyterian Church on North Forest in Williamsville.
Tuesday mornings at Carriage House Collective on Delaware Ave in Buffalo
Friday mornings at the Jewish Community Center Holland Building on Delaware Ave in Buffalo.

In this class, we will focus on building strength and stability at an accessible pace, waking up the body thoughtfully and methodically with the assistance of blocks, straps, and dowels working towards a more traditional yoga asana.

Though these classes may not move as quickly as a flow class, students should come prepared to work hard as they learn about how their bodies are designed to move. 

Suitable to all levels — even the seasoned practitioner will pick up a few tips and tricks in this class. It is the perfect supplement to your regular vinyasa-style practice.

Yoga Detour™ is offered:
Tuesday Evenings at the Carriage House Collective on Delaware in Buffalo.

yoga detour™

In this class, we will incorporate the skills learned in Yoga Detour, to create a more complicated flow with transitions and movements that will challenge your body and mind. We will use props as needed to enhance the practice and develop a deeper awareness of our own experience. 

This class is for people with familiarity with the basics introduced in Yoga Detour. It is the perfect supplement to your regular vinyasa-style practice.

Yoga Detour™ Flow is offered:
Thursday Mornings at the North Presbyterian Church on North Forest in Williamsville.
Sunday Mornings at Devi Bollywood Performing Arts at Elmwood Commons on Elmwood in Kenmore.

yoga detour™ flow

Somatic movement is when you focus more on the internal experience of motion rather than the external - interoception as opposed to proprioception.

In this class, we will spend most of our time on the floor, without a mat, stretching, sliding, rolling, and coordinating the body's movements. We will pay attention to our breath and bodily sensations as we move. We won’t focus on the “correct” way of doing something, which will help you to discover *how* your body wants to do it. We will use props (blankets, blocks, and straps) to help provide sensory input to improve our bodily awareness.

Even though this class will be mostly lying down, on the back or belly, it isn’t easy. The internal work will leave you feeling grounded, connected, and fatigued.

Groundwork - Somatic Rolling is offered:
Friday afternoons at Devi Bollywood Performing Arts at Elmwood Commons on Elmwood in Kenmore.

groundwork - somatic rolling

Student Testimonials